2014年12月19日 星期五

Digit Recognition by mouse gestures

File to be printed out for discussing today

I have not had time to prepare for SVM theory presentation yet.
So I found a demo to share with you, which I shared with students last year.

It is an interesting pygame program,
which do the recognition of mouse movements (gesture)

The source code can be found here:

From it you can learn how to capture the mouse movement at first.

To run it, don't forget to install pygame first, if you havn't done it, please go to 
  • pygame:  pygame‑1.9.2a0.win32‑py3.4.exe
to get and install pygame.

The pattern recognition algorithm I adopted last year was very very simple,
even simpler than the Perceptron.

This is my modification to a digit recognition.

ryMoosegesture 滑鼠動作辨識

It is very primitive. You students can be inspired by this modification and modify it yourselves to become your final project.

It is time you start for your final project....

By the way, I have just finished your mid-term scoring (期中考成績)

If you want to view it, please come to class.

By the way, I have a lovely file to share with you. Hope you like it.
My suggestion: if you crack out some of these 18 turtle programs,
you will make great progress in Python programming.

Perhaps this is useful to understand the original turle.py

