2014年11月26日 星期三

Use Scikit-learn to do Pattern Recognition

Use Scikit-learn to do Pattern Recognition on the MNist Database of handwritten digits

To install Scikit-learn on Windows , You should intall numpy, scipy and matplotlib, first, it seems a little bit tedious. One convenient way to install those 3 commonly used packages, I suggest, is just  go to this site. http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/

Find 2 exe files

After installation, just check it in Python

>>> import sklearn

Then goto the homepage of Scikit-learn, to get some idea of it.

Here are some pre-jobs I have done after 2 days study. Just for your reference. Enjoy it.

By the way, if you want to construct a real-time system, you need use the camera to capture a real image. You can use pygame module, which can be found here.

  • pygame:  pygame‑1.9.2a0.win32‑py3.4.exe

    以上程式 rySklearn001.py 會呼叫 fetch_mldata 函式,
    The above python program will call fetch_mldata function,

    這個函式 存於 C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages\sklearn\datasets\mldata.py





    執行以下 python 指令(本程式所提供),

    >>> randomShow()
    0 894 0.0

    以下開始從基礎開始學一下 sklearn 模組。

    An introduction to machine learning with scikit-learn

    以上程式 rySklearn003_MNistSVM.py (http://goo.gl/nGZuFk)

    針對 MNist,完成初步的 Pattern Recognition 任務,

    先用  Sklearn 裡面的 Perceptron 來做。

    再加碼用 SVM。

    Perceptron 得到 65% 正確率。 

    SVM 得到 100% 正確率!!我們接下來要研究 SVM 的理論。

    最後這張是 multi-layer perceptron (back-propagation 的結果。 accuracy= 81%

    這個 mlp 是在 github 上找到的,特別針對sklearn寫的。原版程式經 ry 抓了幾隻蟲後暫可執行。

